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Automate your investing with recurring investments.
Explore the advantages of consistent contributions and unlock a path to long-term Growth.
Portfolio Value
Profit Amount
Return of Investment
RISK WARNING: All investments involve risks, including the possible loss of capital. It's important to understand that past results are not indicative of future performance and do not guarantee actual profits. Investment values can fluctuate due to market volatility, potentially resulting in returns lower than the initial investment. The stock prices used in these calculations are the closing prices for each trading day. Transaction fees are subtracted from the amount invested.
Click on the Get Started button below and open your MEXEM Account.
Find the standing order instructions for your bank here. Your bank not there? Ask our support for assistance.
Select the stock(s) ETF(s) that you want to purchase on a monthly basis
Every month the same financial product(s) will be bought without you having to do anything.
Important to know!
• The system buys the security you selected according to the amount you set, if this amount does not match the share price, the system will buy fractions of shares according to the amount you selected
• The standing order can be monthly, weekly or daily
Have questions?
Check our frequently asked questions below
To participate in MEXEM's Recurring Investment program, initiate your request online via the Client Portal. Navigate to the Trade menu and then select Recurring Investments.
Please Note:
Open recurring investment instructions are not visible on the MEXEM Trader Workstation (TWS) or MEXEM Mobile order screens.
To avoid exceeding your scheduled recurring investment exposure, ensure to submit orders through the MEXEM Portal from the Portfolio or Trade > Orders & Trades menus, where your open recurring investment orders are visible.
Recurring Investment is available to any client that has fractional share trading enabled and is under IBUK, IBCE, IBIE
The "Recurring Investments" screen in MEXEM's Client Portal will show a grid with your currently active recurring investment plans.
Please Note:
Open recurring investment instructions are not visible on the MEXEM Trader Workstation (TWS) or MEXEM Mobile order screens.
To avoid exceeding your scheduled recurring investment exposure, ensure to submit orders through the MEXEM Portal from the Portfolio or Trade > Orders & Trades menus, where your open recurring investment orders are visible.
The Recurring Investment feature allows clients to select a start date and schedule for their investments, such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Trades are executed soon after the market opens on the start date and continue as per the chosen schedule.
If the market is closed on a scheduled investment date (e.g., holiday or weekend), the investment will be scheduled for the next open market date. For monthly, quarterly, or yearly schedules, if a specific recurring investment date does not exist (e.g., February 29th), the last date of the month will be used.
To "Cancel" an open Recurring Investment, log in to the MEXEM Client Portal and navigate to the Trade menu, then select Recurring Investments.
Locate the line corresponding to the security of the recurring investment you wish to cancel, and on the right side of the row, click on the "X" icon.
In the next pop-up window, click on the "Confirm Cancel" button to proceed with the cancellation of the recurring investment.
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