Funds & Banking

How can i register to Signal Servive?
What is the purpose of buying power?
How does Liquidation value works with Mexem?
Why paying with iDeal is not offered?
How to subscribe for real time data?
What is the minimum deposit required for the account to stay active?
What are the steps to fill out the EMIR form?
What is the purpose of EMIR?
What are the regulations for trading ETF's in the US and EU market?
How can I choose between cash and stock dividends, understand the steps involved in corporate actions, and track my dividends effectively?
In which countries US ETF is available to be traded?
How long does it take to deposit money on my Mexem account?
How can I reset my password ?
How to open business account?
Why does my statement not reflect my loss?
Will my dividend automatically convert to my base currency?
Why would I submit an FX transaction to the FXCONV destination?
Where can I find information on margin and margin requirements?
Why was my order rejected for no trading permissions when I have permisissions for ETFs?
Why was I charged a fee for a wire deposit?
Why was I charged a fee for a cash withdrawal?
Why should I open an account with MEXEM?
Why is my order stuck in a "pending cancel" state?
What types of APIs are available?
Why is my FX Closing trade getting rejected due to low balance?
Why does Client Portal say "You are currently logged in without Trading/Market Data permissions"?
Why is my Buying Power zero when I have positive Excess Liquidity?
Why do I see a delayed market data quote?
Why did my account close?
Why do I get the message "Transactions in this instrument are limited to closing-only trades" when I try to buy certain stocks?
Why can't I use my cash after selling my stock in a Cash account?
Why did MEXEM liquidate some of my positions without first notifying me?
Why did I receive an amended tax statement?
Why did Client Portal log me out?
Why can I log in to Client Portal but not TWS?
Why can't I log into my paper trading account?
Why can't I convert my AUD cash to other currencies?
Why are my market data subscriptions pending?
Why am I unable to withdraw funds?
Why am I unable to trade Norwegian Stock?
Why am I required to designate a Base Currency for my account?
Why am I unable to close my account?
Why am I no longer receiving live market data?
Which MEXEM entity carries my account?
Who is subject to the dividend equivalent withholding tax?
Which accounts are eligible for linkage?
Which ABA routing number is correct?
Where did the charge in my activity statement's Fees section for ADR Fee come from?
Where did MEXEM Mobile go?
Where can I use my debit card?
Where can I obtain a TOD Distribution form?
Where can I see my trades in TWS?
Where can I see my realized P&L?
Where can I find SPX weekly options?
Where can I find my actual cash balances in TWS?
Where can I find my account number?
Where can I find historical data?
Where can I find analytical tools in TWS?
Where can I find a list of special margin stocks?
When will my deposit be credited to my account?
When will my trades settle?
When will my dividend be paid?
When does the Intraday margin for futures change to Overnight margin?
What should I do if my temporary digital virtual security device has expired?
What tools does MEXEM have available to monitor the margin values in my account?
What tools does MEXEM have available to monitor the margin values in my account?
What should I do if I believe that my account has been hacked?
What products or trading permissions may I have with my RSP/TFSA account?
What is the ticker for E-mini S&P 500 futures?
What is the ticker for DAX futures?
What is the difference between Securities Margin and Commodities Margin?
What is the point of the FX Portfolio - Virtual FX Positions section of the Account Window?
What is the Mark-to-Market calculation method and how does it work?
What is the margin requirement for shorting stocks?
What is the FXTrader?
What is the Forex settlement cycle?
What is the difference between the Fee Rate and the Rebate Rate?
What is the difference between Excess Liquidity and Available Funds?
What is the difference between real time and snapshot quotes?
What is the difference between a Stop order and a Stop Limit order?
What is the difference between a partition and a linked account?
What is the difference between a Cash account and a Margin account?
What is the definition of a "Potential Pattern Day Trader"?
What is the default trigger method for my Stop order?
What is the contract size of spot gold and spot silver?
What is the credit hold period for ACH deposits?
What is the calculation used for interest?
What is the base currency for my account?
What is SMA?
What is meant by Equity with Loan Value?
What is my "Margin Cushion"?
What is meant by VALUE exchange?
What is meant by Current Excess Liquidity?
What is Maintenance Margin?
What is Limited Option trading permissions?
What is Cost Basis?
What is IdealPro?
What is an IPO?
What is acceptable for Proof of Address for an IB UK application?
What is ACATS?

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Let MEXEM take care of your financial strength so you can enjoy the little things in life.