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Elon Musk's xAI Launch & Bard AI's EU Debut

Published by MEXEM Technical Analysis

July 26, 2024

Published -July 13th, 2023 @ 12:30 PM (GMT+2)

Elon Musk’s Groundbreaking Venture: The Launch of xAI

Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind SpaceX, Tesla, and Twitter, has recently introduced a novel artificial intelligence company, xAI. The stated mission of xAI is to "understand the true nature of the universe." The launch was announced in a Twitter post and further details will be shared in an upcoming Twitter Spaces chat. 

xAI, incorporated in Nevada in March, has a team comprising alumni from respected tech giants such as DeepMind, OpenAI, Google Research, Microsoft Research, Twitter and Tesla. These individuals have a strong track record of working on cutting-edge projects such as DeepMind's AlphaCode and OpenAI's GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 chatbots. 

xAI aims to compete with leading AI companies like OpenAI, Google, and Anthropic, which are known for their sophisticated chatbots like ChatGPT, Bard, and Claude. The xAI team is advised by Dan Hendrycks, the Executive Director of the Center for AI Safety, endorsing the importance of safe AI development. 

Greg Yang, co-founder of xAI, revealed that the startup intends to delve into the "mathematics of deep learning," a subset of AI, and develop the "theory of everything" for large neural networks. Their focus is to advance AI technology to the next level.

Google’s Bard AI Chatbot: Enhanced Linguistic Capabilities and Availability in EU

On the other side of the AI landscape, Google's Bard AI chatbot has acquired significant updates, including improved linguistic knowledge, response controls, and a broader global presence. Bard now supports almost four dozen languages, making it more accessible for users worldwide, including regions such as Brazil and Europe.

Users can interact with Bard in multiple languages including Arabic, Chinese, German, Hindi, and Spanish. The chatbot also offers the capability to speak responses, assisting users in mastering the correct pronunciation of words in 40 new languages.

In addition to its multilingual capabilities, Bard has integrated multimodal functionalities, enabling the AI to interpret images shared via the chat prompt. This new feature enhances user interaction and makes sharing and understanding content more efficient.

Google has made considerable strides in expanding Bard's availability, particularly in the European Economic Area and Brazil, overcoming initial privacy concerns that delayed the launch in the EU.

Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOGL) and the AI Market

Alphabet, the parent company of Google, stands strong in the market with a capitalization of 1.51T USD. Despite a slight dip of 3.96% since 13/06/23, the stock has seen an overall growth of 33.45% Year-To-Date, largely due to its ambitious ventures like Bard.

The world of AI is expanding with significant strides from companies like xAI and Google. As xAI explores deep learning, Google's Bard continues to revolutionize communication, breaking language barriers. Google's Bard significantly impacts Alphabet's market performance, reinforcing the importance of AI in the tech industry.

The information on is for general informational purposes only. It should not be regarded as investment advice. Investing in stocks involves risk. A stock's past performance is not a reliable indicator of its future performance. Always consult a financial advisor or trusted sources before making any investment decisions


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